* me, myself,
and surfing..
Well, what to say?!..umm..lets see..
I love sports. I've been swimming for 16 years.
I'm a life guard at Lake Echo. I've been water skiing
for 6 years.
Surf-ing..I will never forget my first time actually riding a wave.My instructors
Brad and Tim(I must add they ARE world champions), they made my dream come true. I surf'ed during
my stay in Daytona and t'was most definetly amazing ! I meet these awesome people..Mo, Rich, and Patrick.
(yerr surfer dudes hehe)
..Anyway's..Next september i'll hopefully be going to Champlain in Tourism Management for 3 years.
Then apply at the Walt Disney World International College. So I basically can then work full time at the Walt Disney
World Resort in Orlando and/or their Cruise line.
I lovvvvve, Dashboard Confessional + Yellowcard, Coldplay, Greenday, Story
of the Year, Death Cab for Cutie, Trapt..
I also enjoy writing in my journal, poetry, and seeing beyond the
way everyone else see's the world.
**My Leadership class 03-04..you guys are awesome! Secondary 4 wouldn't been the same without you's!! Bike
trip was the best experience ever. ((chatam, dock moment w/ Ada..))
I don't really try to act like someone im knot.
I am who I am..~~~`
Chris Carrabba (im his groupie, shh!)
Chris Martin
*My FavoriteeeS~*
Favorite TV Show: The Oc + Northshore
Favorite Movie: September Sessions, Blue Crush, Ladder49
Favorite Book: The Notebook
Favorite Sport: dah,
Worst Feeling: Regret..
Best Feeling: Just lying on a board in the ocean..watching dolphins
pass me by
Favorite Food: Subways
Favorite Drink: Grapefruit or cranberrie juice + sour puss
Favorite Music: emo
People I Most Admire: *Chelsea Georgeson